



We would like to invite people to attend our very first Horse Riding Event at the Metropolitan Polo Club.

We will pick you up by bus from outside the front of the Tianjin Single Malt Club, and then take you directly to the Polo Club.

After a quick morning tea and introduction by the staff, you will put on boots and a helmet and get straight onto a magnificent horse for a 10 minute riding lesson, polo lesson, and stable tour.

At the end of the day you will receive afternoon tea and whisky as you relax in the lounge to talk before the bus arrives to take everybody back to the city.

You will recieve amazing photos of your experience as we will be taking Konrad, our professional photographer, with us on this trip.

时间:星期六 2015 年 11 月 7 日
时间:11:0 下午-3:0 下午
138 2059 7784


The best thing about this event was the look on people's faces as they got to ride a horse (most people for the very first time).

These horses are some of the best horses in China. They are extremely well trained, and are very gentle with new riders.

The foreign instructors are all from Argentina and knew exactly how much to each person could handle on the horse.

Those who were more confident were allowed to ride a little faster, those who were less sure, always had the comforting presence of their instructor walking next to them.

Our aim was to try and make an event that people would feel excited about, and we gave everybody about half an hour at the end of the day to talk with each other about their experiences.

Of course such talk is always easier when you're enjoying a shot of whisky, and that was the Tianjin Single Malt Club's contribution to the day.

In summary, it was a fantastic day, and we are looking forward to holding future events like it.

Konrad Steinmuller - Tianjin Single Malt Club