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Every Last Drop

The QiPao Party

Per Ticket
Thu 6:30pm,
21st January

The QiPao Party

Join us at the Hyatt Regency for a Night of QiPao Fashion, Food and Fotos.

We have planned an amazing night with a small group of QiPao enthusiasts.

Start off with tea and coffee in the foyer as we take a few elegant photos.

Then we will move up to the spectacular Club Lounge to relax and learn about QiPao from our invited expert.

It should be a fantastic night and we are all looking forward to it.

Sylvia Kim - GNG Golf Studio

Date:Thursday 21st January 2016
Time:6:30pm - Late
Where:The Hyatt Regency
Dress:Wear a QiPao Dress (Formal for Men)
RSVP:Please book by the 19th January
Contact:Sylvia Kim
138 2059 7784


The Hyatt Regency was the perfect location for our elegant QiPao event. We started by meeting together in the Lobby Lounge to take some photos with the amazing lights around the hotel.

I had the unfortunate experience of accidentally stepping in the water fountain with one shoe, after which the shoe disintergrated leaving me to finish the evening in slippers (seen in the photo below).

Other than that small setback we found some great places to take some photos by the fire, the waterfall, and the grand piano.

We went upstairs afterwards to the fantastic club lounge. They had a small room off the main lounge available that was just perfect for our small group. The light dinner was excellent and it was a perfect relaxing setting for our QiPao Lesson.

I don't speak Mandarin so I wasn't sure what was said during the lesson, but it seemed that everybody got something out of it.

Thank you to everybody for coming.

Konrad Steinmuller
Single Malt Consultant